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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Jscagg

  1. Just now, John McPherson said:

    If sharp 'n pointy are your thing, there are two party-line paths.  Knifemaker's Guild is predominately stock removal. The forged path is thru the American Bladesmith Society (ABS), who have classes and Hammer-in's around the country. There are also some state and regional knifemakers groups.





    If you want to go it alone, there are a couple of good books you should look for.

    The Complete Bladesmith: Forging Your Way to Perfection by Jim Hrisoulas


    Wayne Goddard's $50 Knife Shop, Revised


    Step-by-Step Knifemaking: You Can Do It! by David Boye


    Sharp and Pointy are definitely the way I'm looking to go. I'll have to check out those sites, and definitely look into the books you mentioned, they seem like very good reading material and like a great place to start learning more. Thank you for all your help!

  2. Thank you all for your responses, and I apologize for posting mine late. Lou, you are correct, I signed up at Brooksfield for their class this coming September. Sadly it seems that Blacksmithing hasn't gotten that much of a foothold here in CT, but I'm keeping my hopes up that I'll be able to turn it into something for my self. I've thought about self teaching, but unfortunately I don't really have a work area right now. I was hoping that through this class I just might meet a couple keep, and earn enough knowledge (Though this class and subsequent ones) that maybe I can apprentice with someone in the area.

    George, I really appreciate all the information, I've noticed that the US doesn't seem to offer as much in terms of Blacksmithing as some other countries do. My interest lies in Bladesmithing, so I assume that the Knifemakers guild might be something to look into. Its good to know that other Blacksmiths have things done via Boilermakers or other guilds/unions, or just don't need any type of certificate.

    I've looked into ABANA and I browse their site from time to time, other then them, does anyone happen to have any other similar sites that they favorite? Places that might give out good information for beginner and seasoned blacksmiths alike?

  3. This may not belong in this part of the forum, and if not I apologize and would like to ask if a moderator could move it to the correct part. Now that that's out of the way, I'm very interested in following the Blacksmith path, I actually have some classes coming up in September for a Blacksmithing 101 class. What I'm curious about is, if this is a profession that I want to go for as my line of work, do I need to become a certified Blacksmith? Is there such a thing? I tried looking around online and didn't find any courses or anything, not like you find for things like "Automotive Mechanic Certification" and the like.

    It just made me wonder, is there such a thing as being certified in this field? Or is it all based on experience?

    Thank you to all those who answer!

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