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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by 927xpert

  1. No i have not bagged the fisher yet. Its sitting in the welding shop at an oil refinery i frequently work. The mainenace manager who runs the weld shop(who is a rean cool dude and likes me to boot) was on vacation. I just spoke with him on the phone and asked him about it. He told me he would ask the uppers of the plant and to call him back tomorrow. He's been there 20+ years and pretty much runs the show, so im hopefull and have my fingers crossed.

    On 7/24/2016 at 5:08 AM, Everything Mac said:

    But come on Xpert - did you bag that Fisher too? 


    9 hours ago, Twilight Fenrir said:

    Very true! The extra mass of an  anvil increases your gravitational effect on other anvils dramatically... In my experience, people either have no anvils, or 3+ anvils :P Over the last month, I've suddenly started practically tripping over the things! The more I buy, the easier it is to find them! 

    Im hopeing i can snag the fisher. If i do im planning on maybe selling the vulcan i just bought. I know a ferrier whos wanting to replace his anvil but said he cant afford to pay what people are wanting for them. Figured i would offer it to him what i payed for it $200. Just to get my money back. He was one of the people i called when i started looking for an anvil.

  2. Andy my pops has been an oilfield rig welder 30+ years and told me he hasn't ever seen it this bad. The area we live in is all oil/ag. I broke out in my own rig 4 years ago and its been a struggle for sure. But the bills get paid food gets bought and i have a little extra to play with so i cant complain... there are others who are in much worse situations. Hope things turn around soon for all of us.

  3. So i drove the 30 miles to look at it, and a 100lb anvil is a bit smaller than i expected or was looking for. I haven't seen many anvils in person in recent memory. Told the guy i wasn't intrested in it at $250 do to the diffrence in expected size vs. Actual size. Was honestly going to walk away from it. I told him i'd give him time to sell it for a price closer to what he wanted. He pitched 230 i said i wouldnt be able to explain paying any more than 200 for it to the wife, and he let me take it for that. Happy about the purchase price. It IS in very good condition. looks like it sat on the shelf somewhere and was almost never used. Still has casting material in every crease. Edges have minimal signs of usage.

    Feel free to tell me what you think





  4. My contact with him was through text mess. he called me and gave me a little more info as to what markings were on the anvil. it has a 44 stamp and a 10 stamp, so i assume it's a 100#er. gave him a little more info on what he has that i have gathered in my research, he said he may be willing to go down to 200 beings it's smaller than he expected, giving time to sell it for more. i may just call him tomorrow and tell him i have 200 in hand yes or no and i'll be on my way. It's only 30 miles from the house.

  5. Thank you all for the input. Makes me feel a little better that vulcans are seen as suitable. the only reason i estimated 170lbs was i think i saw a 17 in the casting of the emblem. i was thinking of taking a bathroom scale with me when i go check it out, and now i definitely will.

    5 minutes ago, Anachronist58 said:

    If you live in Anviltopia, the anvils are free. Right off the tree. Bakersfield, and California, for that matter, is no Anviltopia, where they run up to $8/#.

    You are on your way, yes?

    I was born and raised here and have never seen one just laying around. the only one I've seen belonged to a buddy who shoes horses and he said he's been looking for a long time for a replacement. That they are hard to come by and very expensive when they do come up. i told the guy i could come up tomorrow. and he hasn't replied i'll see if he's still willing on the price for tomorrow.

  6. Hi all, i just joined the forum and am gathering information on blacksmithing. I am a rig welder by trade and figured this would be a hobby i would enjoy. maybe turn into more than a hobby. I have been looking for an anvil through Facebook friends and family while cruising through craigslist. Found a Vulcan for $450, looks to be a 170#er. the seller doesn't know. I offered 1.50/lb which would be $255. I have done some research, and found that they are considered to be low end anvils. They are cast iron, they chip and crack easily. this one looks to be in great condition. Should be fine for a beginner... right?

    The guy said he could only go down to 325. I thanked him for his time, and he immediately said he could do the 255 if i bought it today. question is did i still offer him too much for what it is?

    Craigslist link removed

    please let me know what your thoughts are. I'm itching to buy one and get started, but i don't want to over pay for something i shouldn't have bought.

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