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I Forge Iron

mr d

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Posts posted by mr d

  1. My anvil is a 3" x 4" x 36" piece of steel. I actually have two of them and one is going to become a swage of sorts. Kinda hard to get 3" thick steel cut around these parts. :)

    This my first hardy. Eventually I'll purchase a "real" anvil, but for now this works really well. Plus I can customize it to fit my own needs. When I get my stand completed I'll snap some pictures of the whole contraption :)

    My thinking is simple. I could sit and wait for a "real" anvil or I can make my own and continue to learn the craft :)

  2. Glad to finally see he got you here. I hope you enjoy this site as much as the rest of us. Also now you can babysit GTAW and let me have a break, as I have a daughter his age, and that enough work :)

    Hah! :)

    Steve is cranky when he doesn't take his Geritol :D
  3. I know we're all used to working with fire and extreme temperatures, but thermite is some NASTY stuff. You have to remember a thermite reaction can't be smothered like a normal fire.

    If you're not experienced with this process then I'd say "pass". The best case scenario would a chunk of metal with massive slag inclusions.

  4. I usually run around 20-25 but your nozzle/lead angle/work angle may dictate a different setting for you. If you are unsure then start at 20 and do some stringers. If it's not sizzling like bacon or you have an erratic arc then try increasing the gas to 25. More is not better. With too high of a flow rate you can actually start drawing atmosphere into the pocket due to the Venturi effect and it will contaminate your welds.

    As far as how long it will last, I used to know how to calculate it, but I haven't had to do it and have forgotten the formula. If I'm not mistaken 40ft

  5. I'm new to the wild world of forging. As a matter of fact, I just constructed my first forge out of an old brake drum :D

    I do have experience in welding, machining and heat treating so I'm kinda used to getting peppered by hot steel.

    I'm pretty active online during the winter months so I'm sure you'll all get to know me :)

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