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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by TheMule

  1. 54 minutes ago, Charles R. Stevens said:

    Soft brick I hope, might I suggest looking at ceramic blanket insulation. 

    Wold I have to cover the ceramic blanket with something or can it take direct heat? Also I'm having a hard time finding soft fire brick, any idea where to look?


    41 minutes ago, ThomasPowers said:

    suggest searching on "bean can forge" and "micro forge" "one firebrick forge"  So far the answer to most of your questions is: Yes, No, Maybe depending on information you didn't include like: hard vs soft firebrick; how the burner is positioned depends on how you build the forge; how hot do you need it? (forge welding is a stretch goal!) but again it depends on how you build the forge.

    I'm really not ready for forge welding yet, largely due to a lack of knowledge and experience in it but also due to a lack of projects requiring it. I'm also not planning on anything large so I don't think I need a lot of heat. I'm afraid I'm pretty short on ideas. What I really need is to meet up with some local smiths but I don't know where to start looking.

  2. So, I'm building a gas forge, very small for now because I'm not planning anything larger than a pocket knife. I'm planning to use firebrick for the forge due to being cheaper than refractory cement, and a single propane burner, probably just the simple kind of gas torch you can pick up at the hardware store. The questions I have for you guys are, do I need a shell for the firebrick? Is firebrick a good material to insulate a forge this size and capacity? Will my plan for a cheap gas burner work well enough to heat steel? And finally, what would be the best way to position the burner to be the most efficient?  Thanks in advance. 

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