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I Forge Iron

Michael Craft

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Posts posted by Michael Craft

  1. Hello, I'm Michael. I'm a total newbie to smithing of any kind and looking for some more experienced persons in the area who might be willing to lend someone like myself the gift of their knowledge and wisdom. I have no experience and unfortunately can't experiment on my own, as my living situation restricts my ability to be crafty (small apartment!). I've been interested in blacksmithing and bladesmithing since I was a kid, but only recently decided that I wanted to really give it a go and experience it for myself and so I'm hoping to find some like-minded individuals in my part of the state to work with. 

    I look forward to meeting all of you fine people and getting to work! I could say that I know it will be hard, but that would be presumptuous of me. The truth is, I don't know half of what it will take (and I've done quite a bit of reading), but I so truly do want to learn and really give it a shot so if you or anyone you know is willing to help get me started, please send them my way or let me know. 



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