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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Lumberjack

  1. Lumberjack check out my gallery, I don't know about the gas tank, but i started with a dirt forge, then a brick dirt forge, then a brick plywood forge(stupid), and now my own metal forge, fabbed by me. Do you have anvil, hammer, or metal???

    No, I am just focused on making a forge right now, I was going to worry about all the tools and material later.
  2. Hey everyone, I am interested in getting into smithing and am looking to make a forge, I currently have an old car gas tank and I am wondering if this could be modified to be turned into a decent beginners forge? If so, can someone give me advice for building the forge and what a beginner should make to start with, I want to make knives/swords eventually.

    Any advice would be great, thanks!

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