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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by vass654

  1. 4 hours ago, natenaaron said:

    A friend of mine's son passed in a pretty bad way.  After the cremation lots of his friends wanted ashes to be used tattoos.  This sounded weird but apparently not out of the ordinary.

    I have also seen them cast into clear resin and a desk pen made from it.  Too bad the images have disappeared from this thread.  I would have liked to have seen them.

    That's actually what two of the group are doing... They are getting tattoos done in memorial. I see it, and may get a small 1d20 done on me still. Really would be easier if we weren't scattered to the four winds.

    Be kind of nice if someone started something on the side. We had a hell of a time trying to find anything beyond diamonds, shotgun pellets, or... That's really it. you guys have been a ton of help though and I thank you all.

  2. Didn't think of glass, actually... We got stuck on metal. I'll have to pitch that idea to the group and see. All the replies to this has been very helpful though.

    Honestly, it doesn't have to be part of the process, we'd just like him to be in there somewhere. I'm sorry I'm ignorant on the finer points of blacksmithing, it is a topic I'm interested in though but haven't quite gotten around to going into the finer details.

    Thank you.

    Edit: Looks like we were not. In the pictures I have, it's all uniform powder... This all came up after he was already cremated when we wrongly figured ash was carbon, and thus could be used as carbon to make steel... Whoops.

  3. I don't mean to necro a post, but... Okay, so I do.

    This thread is the only place I can find on the internet with any kind of discussion on using ashes to make steel. I had a friend pass away recently and was able to get a hold of some of his remains for a project; a group of his friends and I are looking at making steel using his ashes as the carbon. We originally looked at sets of dice to be made (He was an avid tabletop RPG player) and haven't found a single company willing or able to use his ash for the steel. We found a smith that's willing to create dice out of aluminum, brass or copper with a small cavity to place the ash, but that's not quite what we're looking for. At this point, we're looking for a smith, or someone, that's willing to either use the ash to make blank steel billets, or finished product for us. Product being sets of dice, or just 20 sided ones, small trinkets, a few knives, maybe a longer blade or two depending.

    Not sure where to turn besides calling local smiths and just asking? Hopefully someone can point me in a direction?

    If I should have put this elsewhere, please let me know and I'll move it. Thank you.

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