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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by MisterTim

  1. Well now, between the now and then (meaning I've yet to set up the forge) I've gotta say, the price was right-er, for me... It was a gift for which I am truly grateful. I've been a hard one to buy presents for in the past so when family members heard I was interested in blacksmithing, they jumped at the chance to make it happen for me. So, regardless of the capitalistic dreams of the folks at Devil Forge, I'm quite happy with what I've got... assuming I don't go and blow myself up. ;)

  2. Perhaps you're seeing something on the regulator that came with the package that I'm missing Mikey98118... My issue has been that it doesn't connect to any standard US fitting. However, I believe I am close (at least closer) to a resolution, in that a 0 - 30 PSI Propane Regulator/Assembly Kit should do the trick with a bit of MacGyverin'

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