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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by EPK5

  1. Folks thanks for having me. I went to an event this past Saturday in a local park celebrating cowboy days and the reason I went is because there was supposed to be a blacksmith there. I fancy myself a fledgling blacksmith so I was very interested. I went and found a Mr. Thomas Powers underneath some shade trees in the park and forgot about the rest of the event. My wife took the kids and wandered around while I watched Mr. Powers teach someone some basic blacksmithing. Then he invited me across the rope and I got to embarrass myself in front of an artisan and all the locals that came to watch. I am interested in knife building as well as tool building and hopefully, since Mr. Powers is local to me I might convince him to let me sit at the foot of the master so to speak. Again thanks for having me and I apologize in advance for ignorant questions because I will ask them.

    Bob LaSerre

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