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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Fire&Iron

  1. My current forge setup uses a hairdryer for air, but I am just using charcoal which doesn't require much air.  I was wondering if it put out enough air so I can use coal, or maybe even coke. (It's my understanding that coke needs more air than coal). I would love it if someone with more experience could give me their opinion.

  2. So I am trying to decide a fuel source for my forge and I have four questions.

    1) How long does coal burn opposed to charcoal?  (The more specific the better)

    2) Does coal burn hotter than charcoal and vice versa?

    3) Is there a difference between hard and soft coal?

    4) Does it matter if you have a mix of hard and soft coal in your forge?

    I appreciate any and all help you guys can give me as I am just starting out.  And if you have any advice about blacksmithing in general I would love to hear it.

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