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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by DevinThomas

  1. Yep, got it flat mostly. Thinking about modifyng the edges to give me different shapes to bend on, etching a ruler onto it, improvising a pritchel and hardy, maybe a few other things.  I don't see needing a horn so I'm not worried about one for now.

    And I haven't done really anything notable with it and I'm already thinking about upgrading to a new piece! This thread is really inspiring though. Lots of creativity and skill on display

  2. This is my intro. Not too much to say, I'm afraid. Just getting started in blacksmithing. I'm going to be using an rr track anvil and brake drum forge, at least until I'm experienced enough to justify something fancier. I hope to sell stuff I make eventually. But mostly, for now, I'll settle for starting fires and smacking stuff with a hammer :D



    I forgot to mention, I have been reading this forum for a couple weeks now, so I won't ask  too many simple questions (and I know how to use the search function!).

  3. This whole thing makes me feel ill. I'm working at building a forge and have a plain (and short) piece of track I plan to use as an anvil while learning the basics.This is hundreds of times better than what I'll be using. Its probably better than the first "real" anvil I buy. haha

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