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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Deadeye

  1. Thanks for the tips. Good to know we all overthink things.  I have kaowool on the way 1" to double up and ditching the other stuffl.  Kaowool, satanite, and refractory cement 3000 degree rated lowes do all brand.  Just a skim Coat I also have small kiln shelf.  

    I think the wife is just as excited she did a lot of glass work previously and would like to do so again.

  2. Hey everyone I'm new here.  I want to start by saying I've learned a lot already.  That being said building the ole first forge and I have not seen a ton of info about combining insulating methods.  I was going to try pearlite and refractory to close the cavity in my 22 propane tank.  Then an inch fiber blanket soaked in sanite.  Once hardened coat with cement.  Just for knife making maybe forge welding down the road.  Not sure I saw this combo anywhere.  Is the pearlite all bad news?  I heard it can sag.  


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