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I Forge Iron

Chris Waldon

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Posts posted by Chris Waldon

  1. Today I attempted to forge a flint striker. (I recently visited Colonial Williamsburg, VA; and couldn't resist when I saw flint at $2 per hunk) It was made from the axle of a lawnmower blade, which I guessed would be high carbon. It seems I must have been wrong. The striker, quenched in water, chips away the flint without producing a single spark. Was I mis-informed about the necessity of high carbon steel? Or about the quench? I know that I chose questionable metal, at best. Anyone have a guess as to what a lawnmower blade axle might be made of?

    I don't know how commonly known flint strikers are, so I decided to include a brief description:
    A thin, long, square or rectangular piece of high-carbon steel that is curved into a tall "c". Designed to fit over the first three fingers of either hand, it is used by striking perpendicular to the edge of a piece of flint to produce a spark.


  2. It was labeled as "1886 # 6 Fisher Anvil" and it might have had "antique" in there as well. The reason it went for so little is that I'm an eBay shark that bids in the last 8 seconds to prevent other buyers from countering. It's far from mint condition, but I'm sure I'll be able to use it. It sure beats my old 20lb one. What do you reckon it will be made from? Did Fisher make all their anvils out of wrought iron? Cast? Steel?

  3. I love the shape. That thing is wicked. Why did you leave the guard raw? I don't know whether it would look better polished or not, but the guard contrasts so sharply with the blade because of the difference in levels of polish that I think it detracts somewhat from the overall appearance.

  4. I've sitting on this idea for a while. I'd like to put together a resource for other beginning bladesmiths like me that defines the basic and crucial vocabulary that we use all the time and I'm asking for your help.

    If you have time, could you post a few definitions of words you consider crucial to this craft.


    distal taper
    hidden tang
    full tang

    And anything else you can think of.

  5. Your outline is quite informative. Since I have just as much (or less) experience than you do, I can't say much more than "It looks good!"
    If you ever make more of these outlines, pictures of the processes involved could allow for better understanding. (A picture's worth a thousand words!) This would also allow for better feedback.

    Nice Work!

  6. I'm going to be attempting a basic dagger soon, and, for historical accuracy reasons, I'm wanting to peen the tang. However, while I have seen this done in a video, I'm still not entirely sure how to do it without damaging the blade. Could I get some instructions for this?

    Also, on a related note, is it a myth that you can heat the crossguard of a blade, slide it up to the position it will occupy on the tang and when it cools it will tighten around the tang and be impossible to remove?

  7. A friend of mine would like to try to make a roman gladius from a leaf spring. I know that the kind of metal used is inconsistent, but generally has the same over-arching properties: durable and flexible.
    My question is this:
    Would a leaf spring provide suitable metal for a gladius?
    My main concern is simply that it would end up SO much thinner than how it started. I'm just not sure how much of it's original durability it would retain.
    Any questions or advice is welcome. This would be my first sword, but we're doing it more for the experience of making it than because we expect it to turn out spectacular. Thank you.

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