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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Richard702

  1. Yeah I plan on taking it slow maybe bronze or aluminum or something with a lower temp then steel just to get my feet wet a bit before I move on to something like that. It's just that I never grew up around this kinda thing but I was always interested so I'm just I guess making it up as I go lol

  2. Thanks everyone for the advice, like I said I'm just starting so any advice is good advise for me. I'll look into everything you all said and take proper steps into making sure nothing goes wrong Also I'm starting small I'm going to try aluminum cans first but I just want to make sure my foundry can handle steel is why I asked but thanks again for all your help.

  3. Hello everyone I'm new to black smithing and smelting and I've stated on building my own foundry in my back yard and for some reason I can't find any information on what a crucible or the latel is made out of for melting steel. i live in Las Vegas so finding things shouldn't be so hard lol any help would be appreciated.


    Another topic is I'm making my own refractory out of portland cement and perlite i need to know the right ratio for a forge to mix these to ingreidents. Thanks

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