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I Forge Iron

Ned Kelly

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Posts posted by Ned Kelly

  1. G'day Rob, yes C&C Museum at Toowoomba run quite a lot of Blacksmith courses. Centred mainly on 'tasters' like beginners courses etc, however they run about three Project courses a year, which are more in depth and much more interesting. Terry Drennan is the lead Blacksmith and Tutor there and is a nice bloke. The courses cost a bit, but Smokos and Lunch are supplied as well as all the materials. They have a good web site so check it out. I don't think there is much now till next year as everything fills up quickly. I'm doing the Knife and Hatchet making one in November. Regards Ned

  2. G'day Mates, what a great Forum!

    I'm from Barellan Point near Ipswich, QLD; God's country.

    I have recently retired from Defence after close on 35 years and can now pursue a number of passions, Blacksmithing being the main one. I have completed the annex to the shed to act as the Smithy and am populating it with 'heavy' stuff. I will be making tools in the first instance and then hope to do some leaf work, baskets, decorative stuff etc. Not Dragons and such but Australiania if that is possible. I have completed a couple of weekend courses at the Cobb and Co Museum in Toowoomba and found them helpful. This is the first time I have ever posted anything on a forum and am finding it great.

    Regards to all, Ned Kelly. And yes that actually is my name. And no I don't think I am related to the original. 

  3. G'Day folks. I have just joined this Forum and decided to introduce myself. My location is Brisbane, Australia so our weather here is perfect one day and fantastic the next. We are coming out of Winter and the temperature predicted for today is 26C (78F). I am a backyard Blacksmith, recently retired from DOD.


    I have just completed a shed extension for my 'Smithy', which is 3.5m x 4.5m. From here I have to fill it with tools and racks etc and then I can commence playing. 


    Now that I have some good floor space I can arrange for my pride and joy to be brought it. That is a Peter Wright Anvil. Somewhat a monster at 506lb and in perfect condition. That means, according to my wonderful wife, that the budget has been consumed for the next year or so. Ah well as Ned Kelly said "Such is life".

    Sorry - Ausie humour.  Regards Ned


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