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Posts posted by blackironskillet

  1. My first stand for my first anvil. I need a semi-portable anvil for now. I made this using (4) 4x4 posts and some 2x blocking. I added the 2x8 "fins" for a more stable base.... my brother says it looks like a rocket haha. I used 3/4" plywood for the top and base plate to give it a little more structure and stability.


    Seems to be very solid and stable. The straps holding the anvil seemed like a great idea for a newbie standing at the hardware store, but I feel like I will be forging some much more solid as one of my first projects.


    Thoughts and recommendations are always welcome.



  2. I recently purchased my first anvil! I was told that it is a Peter Wright 147# and from what I have read and seen online I believe that to be the case but I am new to all of this. The weight stamp is pretty clear and if the lighting is right you can make out about 50% of the "Solid Wrought" circle. Other than that, I don't see any other markings. The anvil seems to have great rebound and ring. Using the ball bearing method with a 10" clear tube, the rebound was 80-90%.


    Can anyone confirm that this is a Peter Wright and possibly an age range? I also would like to know if the hole in the table is something from the factory or added later by a previous owner.





  3. Hello everyone! I've been intrigued by the art of blacksmithing for a while now and finally took the plunge.  I am an architect and have done wood working in the past. I really enjoy bringing creations to life. I live on the coast of North Carolina which I'm slowly finding out might be the wrong side of the state for blacksmithing haha.


    Nevertheless, I bought my first anvil yesterday and am truly excited. I will try to get pictures uploaded soon to see if any of you can tell me more about it. I do know that it is a 147# solid wrought in what seems to be very good condtion (85-90% rebound using a ball bearing). I was told it is a Peter Wright and from what i have seen/read online that seems to be true. The stamp has faded but there are traces of the solid wrought circle around the middle number. I think half of the fun of this is learning the history behind it.


    As of now I have an anvil, a pair of tongs, a brake drum off of a transfer truck, a ton of questions and even more ambition. I hope to learn the basics and then migrate into knifemaking and finding out how many things I can make out of a railroad spike.


    Thank you for taking time to read this and I look forward to learning the trade!

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