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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by A.skelton

  1. Hello everyone,

    I have been trying to "find a way" into the Blacksmithing field for some time.. When I was younger I never had access to the facilities/ a local smith to "shadow" in order to get experience.. And so, it was books and videos that gave me my fix! Haha.

    It has only been until now where I was in a position to start a Course at University that supposedly allowed you to specialise in Artistic Blacksmithing.. I went for my interview today for the course and passed with flying colours!

    However, only to find out "sorry, we do not offer this anymore" and it is much more focused on "small metals" and "silversmithing".. The only university in my area that offered it and it no longer does anymore!! Very frustrating..

    My question is; would doing this course and specialising in small metal work and Silversmithing, still be beneficial to me? would the knowledge gained from doing this course still be valuable?

    Does anyone know the processes of Silversmithing, what sort of "things" can be made with it? With wax carving/ casting etc?

    I have read books and watched videos for far too long.. I need to do atleast SOMETHING! Haha.

    Thank you all for reading,


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