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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Ray

  1. Hi Rob,


    Run down of the show for you in a couple of sentences.


    A couple of acres filled with blacksmiths from all over the world demonstrating their immense skill who where willing to pass that knowledge on to anyone who cared to ask. Coupled with a number of the finest none blacksmithing artisans in the world demonstrating what they do for people like our Queen, add a number of traders where one could buy a hearth to a coat and you pretty much have it.


    Hope that helps




  2. Hi Guys

    Just saying hello, I'm new to the art and this forum. I felt I needed to say a big thank you to all who were involved in the show last weekend. I enjoyed it so much I went back the next day, it helped that it was on my doorstep but most importantly thank you for all the advice, what a genuinely decent bunch of guys. All my questions were met with enthusiasm and amazing knowledge and what great characters, could have spoken to Iron Dwarf all day (it wasn't until I got home I'd realised I'd brought a forge off him lol) I'm now waiting to get on the three day course so hope to meet some of you again in the near future


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