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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by WildSpirit

  1. My internet patchy, so I had to go searching for my post. I'm about to go to the Oz role call. I'm not the one who was at the expo, I haven't been to any expos although I hope to go to some in future. I do work with wire now although, my neighbour has a forge, so maybe if I ask him nicely he'll show me how to use it.
    And its nice to know there are other girls out there:p

  2. Hi everyone, I just found this site and I really like it. I have to say I have never seen another forum like it anywhere. I have been reading a few posts, and I've noticed that you all seem to be boys! So, sorry to crash your party guys, I'm a girl, and I don't think I'll be going anywhere for the time being.
    At the moment I'm not doing any forge work, only working with wire, however I want to start when I can get the gear. I like working with celtic designs, and shoeing horses is intersting me at the moment.
    I just want to add, that the axes are really pretty.

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