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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by raven0813

  1. Hi all, Ron here. back when i was in college i had a friend who had a small forge and shed where he did all of his smithing and tooling needs, after classes I would go there and he started to teach me the basics of being a smith be it weapon or otherwise. His brother was a farrier and worked on horseshoes. it has been a long time and i am trying to establish myself as a smith and i would like to learn and polish myself as it has been a long time at least 10 years. so i am looking for some local smiths who i may spend a little time around. I am looking for a smith or smiths that i may watch and speak with in or around Long Island NY. as I dont yet have all of the finances to build my forge.

    as i know nothing is free we may discuss payment and other such things either in person or over the phone.

    I do have some experience but it is very rusty and has been over 10 yrs since i touched a forge.

    Ron Crowe

  2. thanks alot for your input. I just picked that idea because the man in the youtube video said that they are safe to use as a chimney, which to me means that it could be used as a forge with little damage.

    As my current state of finances are very low I thought to use that as a beginner forge

  3. Hello first off id like to apologize if this is posted somewhere else.


    I am a bit new to the art but I'm saving up to go whole hog as it were, trying to get all the tools and such. My biggest problem is building to forge. as this is mostly about bladesmithing it needs to be a certain length. I'd had many ideas and they all went down over time, it was either expense design flaw or some other thing. but eventually I saw a video on youtube about living off the grid. The video was one of xxxxxxxx I dont know if any of you have watched any of his videos, but they all have to do with living off grid or in the bush. and what intrigued me was his dual 55 gallon barrel furnace. So I got to thinking and designing. If a steel barrel could withstand furnace temperatures enough to heat a house then maybe it could do for a forge.

    So my question is would id be safe to make a forge by converting a 55 gallon steel barrel into a forge by using the conversion for a barrel furnace. With this kit    link removed

    Now I figure you add a bathroom fan, chimney pipe and cut an exhaust hole and you have a forge.

    Please let me know if you have any experience with these, if they are safe or not or anything else. thank you very much

  4. hello guys, i am a metal worker in long island, NY.  crows wing armory. i had an old p.o.s cast anvil and it kinda crapped out. so now im looking for a power hammer. both so i can get in more commisions in and out and because a forged anvil is just a bit out of my price range. i have found a range of power hammers that may be too good to be true. so i am asking if anyone has come across a liushi power hammer. i found them on alibaba wholsale website. they do ship individually tho. so im trying to find out if anyone has and any experience with them. if there good for the cash or total crap.C41-16kg-blacksmith-power-hammer_1753405

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