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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by propstm

  1. Well my nomadic friend, it's a shame you need to leave Boston again, but it was great having you back in the area if only for a few weeks.  I'm grateful I got to forge a bit more with ya, and now having a proper hammer gives me more incentive to keep building my skills up.  Travel safe, and enjoy life!

  2. Thanks Jim.  It might worth mentioning I was raised in Michigan.  I think a lot of my interest stems from spending time outdoors.

    I'm hoping to learn to craft blades for knives and axes. Ice fishing spears and spuds would also be handy.

    The more I think of it, the possibilities that smithing skills would provide seem endless.

  3. Complete beginner here.  I signed up for an intro blacksmithing class in two weeks.

    I've always been interested, but finally realized I have no reason not to learn. 


    I came across the site while trying to do some research before the class. 

    I'm hoping to network and meet some folks in the area.


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