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Posts posted by effenoam

  1. Unfortunately, I didn't stop to take a pic.  You're probably right about needing to clean it better.  It was just odd to me how it forged one way so well but not on the other face.  On every attempt of mokume or "damascus".

  2. I've had the same problem with my mokume(quarters) and pattern welded steel.  Which is, when forging the face everything goes great.  When forging on the edge(hammering on the visible stacked layers) my billet begins delaminating very quickly.  Everything looks good, check the edge on the grinder, then it splits.  Just to save you all some time, I understand the science but my skills and equipment is where I'm short.  Also, the mokume was hot when it split but not hot enough to crumble, the layers were solid when cold.

    Any tips or ideas are appreciated. 

  3. 3 hours ago, Irondragon Forge & Clay said:

    We won't remember this after leaving this post, hence the suggestion to edit your profile to include location. https://www.iforgeiron.com/topic/53873-read-this-first/

    BTW...did you ever find out if you could forge in your back yard?

    I added my location, and no I never did find out.  I'm just going to go for it.  I joined the USMC reserves and kinda put blacksmithing off for a while, but Its more realistic for me to do now.  So here i am.

    Thanks for the link btw.

  4. I live in Milwaukee Wisconsin and im having a hard time finding a cheap anvil.  Ive got some people looking for anvils, but in the mean time i havent been able to find a scrapyard that will sell to the public and has more than just cars.  Is anyone from Milwaukee and know of a good scrapyard or place to look for an anvil (trying to keep it cheap).



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