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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Pawnee1

  1. Morning Ron,
    I've made a few and I start at the ball, forge it square and that gives you a good handle to forge the blade. I posted in the gallery (pawnee 1) some pics of ones I made, the first two, 32 oz head, were for reenactors the were doing the Lewis & Clark trip. The straight spike was a 16 oz head. Have fun with them.

  2. Morning blksmth, It a name giving to me on an AMM (American Mountain Men) pre 1840 Horse ride (about 24 guys) in 1980, most names at Rendezvous come from a screw-up. I've been shaving my head since 75 and started a side lock in 79. Does that sort of explain. Take care. In my gallery there is a picture of me on a horse 1981 AMM Rendezvous.

  3. Morning blksmth, I've been doing Rendezvous since 78 and shaving my head since 75. In 79 I started a side lock from scratch then I was on a AMM (American Mountain Men) Ride horse back pre 1840, there were about 24 guys, one of them ( Jeff Hingisbaugh) named me Pawnee and it stuck. How's that for a bio. Take care.

  4. Morning All,
    Thank you Ted, I have not met your Granddad, I'm about 400 miles from Boise. As for the ducks in a row, I'm still learning and hope I always will but I'll share what I have learned. So ask and you all shall receive, if I know or I'll lean. Take care.


  5. Morning All,
    It's starting to get cool out here, hope it's warmer were you are! A little intro- I am a Blacksmith and do it for a living, over 30 years. I have posted some pictures of thing that I have made. I like the custom items, gets ya thinking but the hooks and other items pay the bills. I have un betting the heck out of the metal as most of you do. This year I did not do any traveling, gas you know, but in the past I would travel, with the shop, from March to October. I would set up at Rendezvous, black powder shoots, town doings, barter fairs and county fairs. Traveling was fun and go to see a lot of the west Canadian border south to southern CA and east to the middle of Montana and Wyoming. So there ya have it, I will be posting more pictures and in the spring we have a Hammer-In here, I post that too. Take care.


  6. I am located in North Idaho and it get cool here, as low as -20 a couple times every winter. So before I started using a magnetic truck block heater, put on anvil side 1/3 of the way down works great and leave it on all night. I used to use two pieces 24" X 5/8" X 2" from a wrought iron tire. Straighten to lay on the anvil flat, heat to a yellow put on anvil till heat goes out, heat again and back on anvil till the frost level is half way down the anvil.

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