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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by blueflame

  1. Hey---We are forging on ahead Leaves,tools,s hooks etc.May never fix it just some new guys wondering about It. We use a 400 champion blower and heavy rim and brake drum off a ford ranger . 2 1/2 black iron pipe. I come from a long line of scronger/packrats. All came together Quick. wished we had started sooner. Thanks for the feedback. David

  2. My son and I just got started in blacksmithing.  The anvil I have says Corsan Denton Burdekin + co.     Sheffield cdbc--  Hard to read.  Rings good but the face and step are level with each other and rough shape.Pritchel hole at corner chipped badly.horn good shape. 75 to 100 lbs. What is the best practice to get smoothed out on face.  Is it a quality anvil-from England I guess.Need advice-- Ps we are really getting hooked on blacksmithing.  David and Josh.

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