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I Forge Iron

James Engelke

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Posts posted by James Engelke

  1. Thank you.


    Yes, I am busy making a "temp" anvil with a strapped sleeper and rail face. 

    It will be fine for the small things which I will be doing to get back into practice. However, I do feel more comfortable with regular anvil, but who knows, maybe I will get comfortable with this one. 


    I guess it's also a bit of a dream for me to own a good old-school anvil...

  2. Hey guys,


    I have been searching for an anvil for months now, and have come across a grand total of 3.

    Only one of which was in even a fairly decent state and the bloke wanted way more than was reasonable.


    I am in the process of starting up my own forge/workshop in Plettenberg Bay, but the one thing holding me back is the lack of an anvil. 


    If you have, or know of anyone who has, a decent anvil that they would like to sell. Please would you post a comment :)


    Oh and also, if anyone happens to know where I would get coal from in this part of the world. That would be a great help!



    James Engelke




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