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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by LouisFarkovitz

  1. Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum.  I recently bought a 250# Anvil for $150 at a junk shop.  My wife is now eyeing it for an art installation for a guitar show.  But, when she saw that you were discussing 1000# Anvils, she started thinking of looking for something bigger to use for the art installation.  She's wondering what the dimensions are on a 1000# Anvil?  She wants to know if you know of anyone that would let us rent or borrow one?  Our small one would "do" but, a larger one would have a better impact in a large doublesided window space and it would bring up the metal/forging aspects of my project.  She's also looking for 13 different "antique barn pulleys" to suspend the art guitars on.  We're in Brooklyn, New York and the installation will be in Manhattan (once approved).  Can anyone drop her a line on this topic?  Liora at liorafarkovitz@gmail.com.  Thanks!

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