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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Bruin

  1. hi! find a job in England, preferably in Northampton, consider any offers. My work can be seen here http://www.iforgeiron.com/topic/35522-i-am-sorry-for-my-english/ and here http://www.iforgeiron.com/topic/35591-flowers/

    I'm in Russia. no work visa. get it yourself is impossible. employer needs in England. advice. links to resources. anything that might help. Thanks for the early .. Michael


  2. Now take a silver patina. or chromium. we need to create a white background (I call it "watercolor effect" watercolor paint on a white canvas. which shines through the paint and shows the depth of color)
    short stiff brush or a piece of sponge. dunks in the paint and put it on the palette. The brush should be semi-dry. and short movements, barely touching the metal ( as if we remove dust ) paint our flower.



  3. Rose probably did every smith .. certainly forged from a single piece of metal high skill. but I like it. sdelanaja of 3 pancakes. Metal thickness 2 mm diameter each of 5-6 mm less than the previous
    pancake divide into 5 pieces of petals.

    sorry for the poor quality photo


  4. Hello Dave! our stores are not popular. basically we work to order. I work in a small workshop. 3 people. everyone is doing the work himself. from a sketch to painting. in Russia blacksmithing very developed. a lot of orders. My job in the UK is associated with the creation of a family. My fiancee lives in England)

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