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I Forge Iron

Vampire Archer

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Posts posted by Vampire Archer

  1. Hi Andrew,  will post a picture as soon as i can, looks like he is selling one on ebay,have a look and see if it looks familiar ( item number 151105334400). The Guy Dave makes them i have been round to his and had a play for the day, the one i was using was the same but bigger and seemed to work really well and i only seemed to get few a few handfuls of fuel, but obviously im just starting out so have only use 2 other forges to compair it to. I wasnt sure if a hairdryer would be enough or not but was going to try it but i am also watching a bouncy castle inflater too and if it stays cheap may try that too. Thanks for your thoughts.

    Gareth (let me know if you have seen the forge before thanks)

  2. Thanks everyone, Basher sure will if i get the chance, Iron Dwarf -thanks I enjoyed it and thanks for your pointers i will come back! John B i will check out the guild i have been on here all evening but am still working through it all. hehe

     Thanks Frosty in that case I will use the spring st for my tongs as i will be making a pair and will check out for posts to see what to go for for my other tools.At the moment my making is for fun but depends on how good and what i come up with ( I know a lot of people say it at the start but i would like to make my own blades when im ready as i do a bit of bushcrafting).

    My forge at the moment will be in my garden, I have just brought a nice solid fuel forge and have my anvil, looking at a cheap blower just to get me started and am looking at hammer shapes to pick a few hammers too. So lots for me to read (I have read MANY post on blowers and tools but plenty more to go.

    Happy hammering.

  3. 1) Name

    Gareth Alderman
    2) Location

    A little village NW of London UK


    3) What type blacksmithing do you do, what do you make.
    Hobby, anything  i can create/need. Im doing it for fun but still want to make the best and most usable I can.

    4) How and when did you get started in blacksmithing

    Was taught a few basic over a few days  while away with a small bushcrafting group 3 years ago.

    5) What object or thing did you use as your first anvil,

    Railway sleeper.
    6) Tell us about your first forge, hole in the ground, camp fire, brake drum, stacked bricks,

    Just brought my own forge, a little solid fuel (gas just doesnt seem right i think i like it traditional) Iron Dwarf forge for the garden/workshop.

    1st forge i used was an old water cooled solid fuel one sitting  in a clearing full of bluebells in some woods.

    7) Who assisted you or encouraged you in the craft

    1st assisted by Hugh. My wife encourages me in everything.

    8) What event changed your attitude about blacksmithing

    I think watching Dave Bud create traditional blades at a show from a charcole filled hole in the groung a small anvil and a hammer and a ton of knoledge and experience. Realising you dont have lots of expensive equipment just lots of ability, experience and knowhow.

    9) What tool has changed or made your life easier in the shop

    Hmm the internet as it is a font of knowledge (good and bad) or maybe my new forge as i was going to be using a hole in the ground and this is far easier.

    10) What advice would you give those starting out in blacksmithing

    Speak to people go to bushcraft/country shows and see them. The internet is good but as in all things anyone can post their own views on what is good/bad and works but doesnt mean it true so be careful. 

    11) What advice would you give those already involved in blacksmithing

    Please dont get jaded by the idiots passing through some of us really want to learn even as hobbiests (but who knows what we will become).

    12) What are some of the interesting things that have happened to you in your life as a blacksmith.

    I couldnt call myself blacksmith yet but its amazing how willing people are to show you when you have the right attitude.

  4. Hello everyone.

    Im am Gareth my friends call me Vamp. I live just north west of London Uk. Im am just a hobbyist starting out, I have always loved blacksmithing and since i was young always ended up around a blacksmiths stand at any craft/outdoor shows we went to.  

    I have had a little play and made the usual gypsy irons and fire forks in mild steel with the help of a bush craft friend smith on his old water cooled forge and as expected got truly bitten by the bug.

     I have just spent the day helping out in a forge owned by Dave the Iron Dwarf and had a great day learning how to create fire and starting to learn to control it and making a few basic points and turns and really enjoyed the experience (thanks for passing on a tiny bit his knowledge). I came home having brought one of his solid fuel Iron Dwarf forges (i will ask in the correct place if anyone else has had any experience with these) and have just got to get myself a blower and im set to have a try. There is soooo much good information on here for me to play with and experiment.

    I have and old anvil I have not identified yet (again will post in correct part later {i have spent a few days already reading through the forums before i joined}), it has been well used and the edges are a little rounded but im sure that and my piece of rail sleeper will see me fine for now. I have some new car springs so am set to try and make some basic bits (well a rake/poker for the forge).


    As a profession i earn my living patching animals back together,  for fun i am an archer and am quiet crafty by nature making my own leather gear for archery and i have been making wooden knife handles for a few years,with various leather sheaths and mounting other peoples blades in them and i hope in a few year to maybe be mounting my own blades too.

    Well sorry that was a bit of a large intro!!!!! Im sure i have much reading to do before i am ready to ask anything but you never know.

    Of course thanks you guys/girls for passing on your knowledge to us  eager to learn.

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