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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by dosullivan

  1. I only see one thing that looks like it MIGHT be a smithing tool, the second pic from the bottom, could maybe be an anvil stake but I don't think so.

    The tong things are two handed and I can't think of a use around the forge for them. The shackles are jjust that shackles, for what I can't say. The last one with the decorative twist might be a wrench but that's just a guess.

    Just because something is old and iron doesn't mean it's a blacksmith's tool. Neat things though, I'd sure hang them on a wall.

    Frosty The Lucky.

    ​They were hanging in an old blacksmiths forge.... not found just anywhere! So yes, pretty sure they had uses and made by a blacksmith. I wouldnt just assume somthing old and rusty was made by a blacksmith. Sure are cool things Frosty... and all the other items that were left to wrot in that little forge. Amazing how the world regards such things as scrap nowadays

  2. No need explain which is male / female any further...very well done for spotting that :rolleyes:. So have you forged these yourself? Sounds like you have not. Anybody can see its a morticse and tennon joint. Its the forging of the detail of the slope on the tennon side im interested in. Again, calling on someone who has actually forged one of these tongs...

  3. Im hoping somebody has actually forged one of these fireplace tongs?Its the old classic style, with a box joint. Ive tried and come kind of close but id love some advise from anybody who has done them from start to finish. I dont want to machine them. I want to do it the old fashioned way with no fancy tools. Im using 3/4" square bar for the female side, slot punched the slot, shouldered it down. But its the female side with the tongue that's catching me. Anybody got information...links...???

    Id love to chat. Ive searched the web

    Its full of all the standard tongs...but there's nothing on these. Please help :-)






  4. Hi Guys, does anyone know the name and function of this type of blacksmith tong? When i first saw one, i thought it had a piece broken off one of the jaws, but there is obviously a reason for having this design. There are three such tongs in the attached picture, two on the far right, and one in the centre. Any help would be appreciated, Cheers.


  5. Hi Jim and everyine else who replied,
    I was guessing it was some kind of a pulley. But pullys normally have just one hook to hang of a beam? I agree that there was probably a wooden wheel in the centre and held there with a centre pin. This pin would revolve on the little riveted brackets at each side as an extra support? Seems to be wear marks on them from the revolving centre pin.You mentioned a breakaway feature.. im struggling to picture how this would be. Would it be possible for you to draw a very rough sketch on both ideas? Sorry.....just very interested in it. The little hole at the bottom has me puzzled too...
    Thanks in advance,

  6. Hi Guys,


    I found this forged item in a farm shed.

    I have an idea what it is, but id just like to hear other peoples opinion's.

    Ive attached pics of all the various views. Its pretty old, and very well made.

    Note, the rams horn top swivens around.

    Love to hear your thoughts...






  7. Interesting thought to attach to a beast to allow them to graze but not travel too far.

    I wondered could it be the gong for a church bell

    Or the Iron balls the men used to throw down the road as a sport

    A machine counterweight is an interesting idea too.

    Thanks for your response!

  8. Hi all,

    During repairs to an old shed after the recent storm damage, i found this interesting item sitting on a high shed wall.


    Pictures are attached

    Diameter is 3.5 inches

    Weight is 3LB


    There is a square hole through the middle. Must have been cast in this shape.

    Looks too neat to have been punched?


    Any suggestions would be good.

    Thank you.





  9. It was clearly handmade!  It may have served as a shaft at some point but the flutes are definitely NOT uniformly spaced... pretty sloppy work for most machinists that I know!  I think it was always intended as a decorative punch and it has a definite blacksmithly look about it!  Brian Brazeal makes similar ones to decorate jewelry and flowers... though his are quite accurately done.  If I were out at my forge with a fire going, I'd figure this for about a twenty minute job, excluding the handle work.

    Fancy trying it out next time you get 20 mins and upload a few pics? Would be nice to see it accurately recreated...

  10. Hi all, this is probably very simple but im struggling to figure out how the forging of this old poker head was done! It started as a square bar... then smoothly shouldered down to meet a rounded section. Then finally forged into a nice round head. I can understand forging from square to round, but how to make the transition so nicely as shown? And how would the round section have been upset to get the mass required for the round head. Any advise would be much appreciated.


  11. Thank you all for your replies. This tool was eventually used as a decorative stamp which put a nice little finish on gate latches, old fire cranes etc. Yes, the handle was fire-welded around the tool at one time, must have come loose over the years. I was thinking it must have been a triangular file which cutout the flutes, as they seem to be slightly tapered. Thank you again.

  12. Can anyone out there share their knowledge in how this decorative punch may have been forged?

    Pictures attached of the tool and the imprint it leaves on Steel

    Please give as much detail as you can, would love to hear from you.

    I would like to re re-crerate this old punch.

    Thanks in advance.




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