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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by VladimirMarenus

  1. Hello, all!


    Some of you may know me as Dallas, and some of you even older might recognize this name! I've been 'locked out' of the site for quite a while, as I'd converted my username to a Facebook login, which promptly broke the whole thing!


    In any case- hello to all, and unfortunately, I'm going to have to be a theorist for now, rather than a practitioner- I work 80 hours a week these days, to try to make some headway. Hopefully, in a year or two, I'll be in a position to change that (getting to that position is the major reason FOR the 80 hours a week). I'll be poking my head around, however, as one of my jobs does allow internet access.


    Hope to see you all around!

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