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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by oops

  1. Thank you all for your feedback, especially those who took the time to address the topic instead of judge a man based on his unintentional ignorance. Perhaps I should have researched first but it was a simple question looking for a straightforward answer. Blacksmithing is very hands on, and my only intention of trying to forge a rapier from rebar was to use low quality steel to practice on, on a project that was way out of my grasp, so that I could learn some stuff and have fun. Most of you assumed way too much about my intentions


    The comment your made about  "if somebody wanted to buy it and use it for say, sword on sword sparring, " was part of your posts statetd intention,

  2.  I know rebar won't hold an edge and all that, but my plan is to make a rapier (mostly for show). BUT if somebody wanted to buy it and use it for say, sword on sword sparring, would the blade snap or bend? It would be blunt so all I need to worry about is structure, and rebar is fairly flexible so i thought there might be a chance. Thoughts?


    I have moved this post to the proper area,,sword making. Please try and post in an area that fits your question.

    I could have also moved this into the safety area as this proposal could lead to bodily injury.

    Moderator 51

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