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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by mamake

  1. Thanks for the welcome. I always need a translator I am very stubborn with languages. As soon as possible and learn how to upload photos I will happy, but I have algum video. I know that this is not forging hope you like it.






    This project is something old. After that look for a good teacher and enpece smith forging a course. For two years introduce forging knowledge everything related to sculpture, grilles, handles, mobility, bikes etc ...

  2. Hi my name is Angel and I live in Barcelona Spain. I have 37 years my work is fitter welder. My hobby are irons and where I see you always take a chance to transform it see. Since 2 years I aim at forging a course since I stay in love with this beautiful art. I am a person who loves to learn and so I found this site looking. My English is very bad and as I could not find any site to introduce myself I decided to do it here. I hope to learn a lot and provide some knowledge. In brief shall begin a new project and will hang some pictures, hope you like it. Greetings from the old continent

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