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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Sue

  1. ;)

    Hi there,

    This is my first post on this site so i hope someone can help me.

    On a sad note... my grandfather died last week and although i should be upset as we were close, i feel relieved that it wasn't a slow and painfull death. He spent 50 years of his life as a blacksmith in Holland and his last wishes were " I came from fire in the form of love, i worked with fire all my life now i go back to the fire ".

    I am now living in Holland and have followed his wishes in the form of cremation but am now struggling to find that special Urn for the memorial wall. I would really like one with a blacksmith or anvil on the top but i haven't found one in Holland yet, so i'm now looking further afield.

    Anyone know where i can buy one?

    Thanks to anyone who can help this means a lot to me.

    Sue :)

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