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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by evilmonkey

  1. i've been around reading all your guys great info, and i doubt i'm even a tenth of a way through the stuff yet. I just figured tonight i would stop ghosting around and say hi to everyone.
    i haven't started yet, or even built or bought a forge. i really don't have the money for either right now. (i know if you want a primitive forge you don't need much money, but as i am in debt that isn't even open to me. as soon as i can find some metal laying around that isn't galvanized i will make something to contain my fire, i already have a flat rock [yes that's how broke i am]) but as it's something i know i really want to do i have been reading anything and everything i can get my hands on, and this site draws me back every time.
    Thank you all, and hopefully in the future i will be able to add to the collective

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