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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by listingtycoon

  1. Thanks for everyone who replied. I can say this for a fact. Every one of your comments are excellent. I would like to be moving more metal. That's not in the cards for me at this time. At 51 years on this planet I do what I please if my wife lets me. That being said I also know safe tools are those that are well maintained. Good tools maintained properly, and well organized also provide better time management and results. Ask any good mechanic or carpenter. Skill and talent are another topic.


    I can say for myself that my methods have resulted in satisfactory results. Me being my own worst critic.


    I don't need every type tool. I just need enough tools to do what I want. Since I am the last on the list in my home to get what I want I often find little left in the barrel. This includes time. I am patient. Plus the scarcey of everything makes it that more satisfying when I acquire them.


    This springs projects will include three garden gates. As well as breaking ground on a small bank barn that will house my shop. In 2014 my wife was diagnosed with a brain tumor, our septic went bad my son got his driver license and totaled his car.  Things come in threes, right?


    Tool restoration is what I can do right now and my latest is a Champion No. 200 post drill.

  2. We'll one thing is for sure. It takes time to find good tools to get started in blacksmithing.  That and good sense to walk away from overpriced items. Which I've done often.  Anyway here are a few of my latest items.  Note: I restore everything after I get them.  The champion drill is almost completely restored.  Looks like it was hardly ever used in the first place.  The last two images are of a blacksmith shop I'm waiting for approval from a historical society board to have meetings.  Looks promising for quarterly meetings after talking with the boards president informally.  That's provided I can get enough folks interested in attending.













  3. Marked with FN under horn. no date seen at this time. Pre 1877? Scales at 147lbs. preparing to restore soon. Overall it's in good shape. One side has strong pocs and I believe it's best to remove a small amount of steel rounding the one edge to prevent any breakage from occurring. I'll post photo to get others opinions.









  4. I know each smith has a preference. I also remember reading in "The Art of Blacksmithing" (Alex W. Bealer) or "The Village Blacksmith" (Aldren A. Watson) that the anvil face should be about the height of the smiths knuckles.  Would you agree? Where is the working face or horn of your anvil based on your person?


    I think there would be a recommended height to be the most proficient at blacksmithing.

  5. I drive a truck for a living and stopped at a truck stop everyday while I was on the run. Anyway, There were always some regular ole timers having coffee every morning. Other than the occasional "howdy" We didn't talk much. One stop I said with all the hot air blowing from that table one of them must know where I could find a forge blower. After a minute of silence one of the fellas gave me a number to call.


    I made arrangements and I visited a Smith to get a blower. He had three with electric motors laid out when I got there. $100 each. Although. I wanted a hand crank, which he dug out of the barn along with two tong and about 20 pounds of round stock a tour of his shop for $160.00 I owe the guys a round of coffee next time.


    I don't know the value of the blower and extras; but, the right people are priceless.

  6. Thanks Dan, I read a post that said a particular anvil was civil war era and that to modify it would be a desecration to it's history. That carried weight with me. My anvil is suppose to be from 1860 to 1880 as well. After some research I believe I'm going to use it as is. I'll have time to get it right. Ultimately that's what I want to do. Get it right. 


    Thanks, Again

  7. I found this site by testing url names to create my site to blog on the subject. I'm glad I did too. The knowledge base I found here is incredible. After months of anvil searching and losing to higher bidders I finally snagged one. Metal shop was my favorite class in high school and now with only a few years to retirement from truck driving I can move into something I really enjoy.


    I building my smith shop old school style. Stone wall in the side of a hill. Large fireplace with chimney built into hill, Tin roof and post and beam structure with fold up sides for the rest of the structure. Not a large shop by any means Just a functional smith shop from real old plans I found on ebay.


    Small projects at first until my skill set improves. Maybe basic tongs and other tools. Then gifts for friends and finally some products to sell. Who knows?


    I'm looking for a good hand cranked blower and  will probable make a forge from a disc brake to get started.


    I'm looking forward to being a modern day journeyman in the field of blacksmithing.



  8. Can anyone give me an approximate age on this anvil? Just picked up a Fisher Norris anvil. 145.6 lbs on the bathroom scale.  Hammer bounce is about a third to half the height of the fall with a low ring.  Face is in decent shape on top. Horn has most of the hammer marks. Probable used by a farrier. The one side has a fair amount of poc marks. I assume it may have laid on it's side outside and held water. I hope it's cosmetic. What are you're thoughts on Placing a new edge then filling the remaining low spots?


    Thanks ahead of time for your answers.




    Wasn't sure how to post image in dialog box so added a link to the image gallery.

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