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I Forge Iron

Omar Norvald

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Posts posted by Omar Norvald

  1. Greetings,


    So the title says it all. I dont have a pic. up just yet but suffice to say its a table forge style from Buffalo with four legs, ash dump, tuyere ect. Currently have everything in a 8x10 shed pull everything out...you may or may not know the drill. I have seen the mobile forges on here but this is a little diffrent. I am thinking of a simple axle with pneumatic tires and a U shaped handle to connect to the legs...make a dolly of sorts. But with all things I like new ideas. A fresh pair of eyes.

    Oh yea forgot to mention that the I use is a pedistal based while the forge has a mounting clamp...I just made a adapter and attach a flex muffler pipe to it easy on/off. Also the legs come off easy as well.


    Thanx for any suggestions.

  2.  Thanx Vaughn, Mr. Kavett, There is a date mark and its from 1906. Everything I have been told about the Fisher anvil is the truth, great rebound with a muted ring..not even a ring more of a knock. This one has a bit of use at the shoulders but is near straight flat. I am basking in its Anvilness :P  Finding the die for the form now that is cool. Did you just come by it? Or did somebody know what they had and have it for sale?

  3. So I am really in the market for an anvil ( who you may ask is not ) And this being my first big anvil and living in the 'burbs. I am looking for a Fisher. I have searched and learned quite a lot but can someone tell me the diffrences between raised and embossed logos? As well is there a mark for weight? By the way I would not turn my nose at any other quality anvils and am aware there are ways to quiet them down but the term "city anvil" has a nice ring to it. Tanx for your help



    The bigger the groan the better the pun.;)

  4. Just got signed up and figured I'd say my hellos. I have worked as a jeweler and gun smith ( though I am a Full time Phone man...long story) and now got the Blacksmith bug. Getting my tools and forge in order to start hammring in the yard. I promise to use the search button and not be too annoying with the newbie questions. To that end Thanx for the help and for the keeping the site together.



    Omar Norvald Petrou

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