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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Moffat

  1. Hay guys , I`m retired at 40 , been metalworking and blacksmithing since I was 8 , welding a lawnmower into a loline cruser bike with a bananna seat , school was boring only one metalwork class , I have always been a bit arty from a arty family so every medium was played with , when I was 12, I was taken under the wing by a guy named Jeoremy and was taught woodworking , he was a retired blacksmith so by day we worked earning a crust with wood and rest of the time we travled around doing church gate repairs recreating elemounts in the old stile so 12 to 16 was cool for me , He grew unwell so I carried on got a job at a sheetmetal working place fun and did blacksmithing till I was 28 got married and I had kidney failure so for 12 years had a life style change and did computers , now getting back into scratching the itch , well now I have time , I`m alive got a garrage fill of tools 4 boys learning blacksmithing off and on none have showed the nack yet , My wife and I have a 7 year old girl and a 4 year old Boy , Both love to play blacksmithing using clay and a small anvil and hammer making out cool shapes (hammer skills), well thats my story , a small kick off question, at one point I could see BP0300 and more , but all i can see are 100s and 200s any help ? --- Andrew

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