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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by PowerSmith

  1. i would be  little  more causious on this one . its welde(withch if done properly than its not a big deal) and they totally have the highest price i would even feel comfortable haggleing with. k but if you must have an anvil i know the feeling. tht dont always pop up in and area that is convieient fot both of you guys



    it seens to be coming delaminated as well. nut that doesnt meen it would be a great first anvil for ya.


    do you have on now?


    I have a chunk of railroad track. I just finished my forge build last Saturday with my dad, in his welding shop.


     I live in California as well,and I've seen that one on craigslist more than once now. As you may know, a good deal on an anvil here on CA craigslist goes FAST. And this one has been lingering for weeks . Which tells me there is definately something not quite right about it . Just as a comparsion,I picked up a much cleaner Wright in the Sacramento area for 325$


      My suggestion would be to go and approach the situation carefully. Test the rebound. Inspect the face. See if he'll come down in price... It's still a great work surface, defiantely not junk. Just be careful  you don't get  ripped off. People on craigslist think every anvil is worth premium price.



    yeah I've noticed they'll disappear really quickly. I've been looking every day, and this one was the only one that has even responded to me so far.


    My dad's got a welding shop and him and his partner are pretty darn good so I'm pretty sure they could repair it if need be, and even get it remachined flat...its just, is it worth the extra cost? If he'll come down in price enough, even with the possible need to repair it, it may be worth it, no?


    on the plus side, he's coming to meet me on Thursday and bringing the anvil...other than tapping the face with a hammer to check rebound, a level to check the sway of the face, anything else I can specifically do to a) make sure its worthwhile and b) show him I know what I'm doing so I can haggle better.

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