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I Forge Iron

Chris J.

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Posts posted by Chris J.

  1. Well, I failed a couple more times, but I've got another pair partway done that's much better than earlier attempts. The difference between my first try this morning and what I have sitting in front of me now is astounding. Even though I'm not going all that fast with these, I can see I'm improving and that's what matters most to me. Hopefully I'll get them mostly or all done tomorrow. I'm definitely seeing the need for a good rounding hammer as I try to draw out reigns from 3/4" rod (I'm working the design/method from Brian Brazeal's tong tutorial on youtube).

  2. Hi all,


    I've been browsing the site for the last week or two and finally got around to making an account a few days ago. I just started blacksmithing (or maybe I should say attempting to blacksmith) and so far I'm loving it.


    I hope to work hard and improve a lot. I started out by making a poker for my forge. This weekend I'm attempting to make a pair of tongs...so far, I've screwed up once. Going back out there later this afternoon to try again.

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