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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by raserei777

  1. This is about diamondback forge info. I ordered one of their 2 burner blacksmith models on Saturday dec 6. I received an email about my order confirmation. They have taken my money. But I haven't heard anything else from them. None of theif phone numbers work and they are responding to email. Any suggestions ?
  2. Your probably right on the opening, but about a foot to the right of the forge the whole wall is opened up. Makes alot of the smoke just blow outside.. I plan on closing that wall in with a door so I can forge in the winter without being in the wind and weather.

  3. It seems to draw pretty good. I have 8 inch pipe right now seeing how it works out. if I need bigger pipe I can always add more. And I picked up some scrap metal from a friend of mines house. He had that old spring laying in a pile of scrap. Told me I could have it. Where I got my tray for the forge and the hood for the chimney too. Gave it all to me for free.

  4. My name is Anthony. I reciently started getting into blacksmithing. Always wanted to try it out. I built my own forge and have a 200+lb anvil on Loan.  Ive read a few of the threads on here lot of good information.  I have a few different sized ball peen hammers laying around the house. Will probably buy a 2-2.5 lb German or Sweedish hammer. I do have a quick question I read lot of people recommend building tongs. Which pair should I BUY to start off with since there are so many sized, shapes and styles?  Id like 1 pair that would be good to start off with. After I practice a bit I will start building my own.

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