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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by bill83

  1. Years ago, I went to a demo that covered some basic techniques in a 100 year old shop. A potluck lunch was provided by some pretty good cooks. There were two rooms in the shop. One room had the hosts working forge where he did most of his work. The other room had the original brick side-draft forge and the potluck tables set up. The demo was going on in the 'modern' room and a couple of kids were playing around doing a hot cut at the old forge. I was reloading a plate of food (because it was really good) as I heard the kids wonder if the striker should hit it one more time. The kid hit it. The cut off piece flew across the room missing me by about 18 inches. (I saw it go by).:o It landed in what was left of the chocolate pie and a 'sputter-spatter' was heard for about half a minute. After realizing that nobody was hurt a debate immediately ensued about how well a chocolate pie quench worked. The kids learned their lesson.:(

  2. Traditional version was that you added salt until it "would float an egg". Don't know how the density of modern eggs would compare to those 120 years ago though...

    Get an egg from a free range bird. Also, if it's healthier for us to eat such an egg, mebbe it would be better for the quench water too!:rolleyes:
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