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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by YungSmith14

  1. mother dragged me out on a walk today and usually i would have protested but it was easter so i let this one go. It payed off however when i found a load of scrap metal and a rusting car chassis. After poking around for a bit i found a middle sized drum thats a bit rusty and is questionable. I left it for now after realizing that i had no method to move it other than to roll it for a few miles and leave it outside when we stopped at the pub we eventually got to. So no picture yet but im going to head back over tomorrow with mother in tow, preferrably driving to bring it home. Im thinking of trying to turn it into a forge but we shall see

  2. oh...i forgot to say...
    i have been in enough scrapes and accidents to know about safety. With my version of a trial and error system (i hurt myslef in some way then figure out why) i have learned to be cautious enough not to hurt myself but not afraid of what i do. If you fall down get back up and try again. and thanks alot Glenn for the link to the forge. Ill be making one as soon as i get the items needed. thanks again everyone

  3. wow, thanks alot for all of the replies. I certainly wasnt expecting this much support so quickly. Ill make sure to take all of your advice. Is it a good idea to start training properly by making your own tools, or should i wait till i am more experienced to do that so that they will be more reliable?

  4. I am and have always been very interested in smithing and i am intent on helping too bring it back into the younger generations. I am only 14 years old and many people will not take me seriously but in the future i would like to train as a blacksmith. I am not asking for help or anything like that i was just wondering who the youngest smith here, if you dont mind me asking is. I am just interested because i have heard that blacksmithing is dying out and i would like to try and change that.

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