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I Forge Iron

Tim Lonnee

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Posts posted by Tim Lonnee

  1. I drive a truck and deliver dangerous goods.If we use any oil on the straps we get a real blast of XXXX. Any oil in contact with oxygen from the tank can and probably will result in a fire ball. I have picked up torches and regulators that have blown up in the man's face. Be careful........Tim

  2. I was working on a guard the other day and figured i would try something. I took a hunk of rubber tubing and slid it up the tang to hold the guard in place while the J B weld set.Worked just fine. Kept it at a 90 degree and slid off easy when it was dry. I have seen fancy home made jigs out of steel but for someone who can't make one out of steel, try this. Worked out perfect on 3 blades so far and no problems.

  3. I drive a truck on a regular route and have been scrounging for years now. I come up with power tools that still work but are just"in the way".Anytime i want steel or anything i just look in the route or the store as i call it. I have never paid for anything, they just figure the good service the company supplies is a good trade for the STUFF i pick up.Making something out of nothing has always been fun and easy. Just look and ask. Most times the folks are glad to get shed of the stuff.

  4. This is not about vision, maybe just learning. I learned to punch small holes in Chestnuts before roasting them, makes clean-up a lot easier.My son learned to never put small watch batteries in the fire at scouts, they go off like small bombs he said.

  5. Hi guys, I am a truck driver from Canada. Enjoy hunting, fishing, and bladesmithing.Also do some woodcarving, and love making something from nothing.A scrounger i guess. Also into archery.Nothing special , just looking for another spot to learn.

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