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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Grandpapajim

  1. I didnt realise that it all starts with a tube, knowing that makes it very easy. What I want is a 10mm box spanner attatched to a screwdriver type of handle. I dont know what you call them but they are abundance up to 8mm but I cant find 10mm. I will keep you posted it is going to be a bit of a learning curve, looking forward to it.

  2. Thanks Chaps,
    I like the "Close Enough" method; that will do me. I tried the vinegar and it really worked surprisingly well, but not quite good enough so I will try sand paper. I drew out the shape I wanted and followed it by offering it up between hammers it now looks just as I want it.

    Can’t find any info on hardening the tool. If I heat the tool up to red hot and then let it cool naturally will that harden it? Or do I have to get it red hot and then quench it in water or oil to harden it? I tried to find some info on this subject but no success so far. PS I am working with “Dropped Steel” whatever that is.

    Thanks again for you advice, appreciated.


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