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I Forge Iron

Lord Calidan

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Posts posted by Lord Calidan

  1. Greetings all,


    I am amassing a good pile of steel at the forge and I am needing some good inspiration as to what to do with it. I have often wondered since I started learning how to forge, what kind of forging projects are people really interested in and also, how do most of you sell your work? I already know about E-Bay, it almost seems to me that it is becoming a world wide online Flea market. If it isn't cheap, people don't seem to be interested. :( However, I have wondered if places like Etsy.com and craigslist are worth looking at as well? I should state while I am thinking about it that I am not trying to make a living at my forge. I am a welder for a living and I shoe horses on the side when I have the extra time. Any help on the subject would be greatly appreciated.  



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