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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by snowman21

  1. Afternoon everyone. 


    I have been on here for a few years now and love this site. I have been a welder for over ten years  and a blacksmith for about 5 now. I work as a full time welder for a major company doing mostly pipe welding. I have been playing with blacksmithing on the weekends and doing small projects on my free time. 


    This site has been very helpful when ever I get stumped, and when I am looking for new ideas. 


    So today a client called me if I can make a pine cone railing. I said sure why not. cant be to hard right. So this weekend I will be making a sample railing with just a simple pinecone in the middle of every other picket. 

    I have an idea on how to make the pinecone. I feel I can make a few of them. but then I asked how many feet is the railing and she told me over 140 and she would like over 75 pinecones. 


    So my thought was this may take a me a month alone just in pinecones, but she needs the rails in just 3 weeks. 


    So what I am looking for is if company sales pinecones and even better pinecone pickets?


    If anyone has any ideas that would be awesome. I would love to hear some thoughts on this. I plan on making one picket 

    this week and I will post up  a photo of what I think she may be looking for.



    Thanks a lot everyone 



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