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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by NorthSmith

  1. Thanks for comments guys. I can understand when stamping on company name, and a small sign on who made it. This is not the case.
    I was the one who made/makes it, then he put on his name, not the company name. Well, maybe im just frustrated for nothing. But it would be weird if "you" made a knifeblade, then i put my stamp on it and get the credit for something i didnt make :s
    But thanks on the views :)

  2. Hi. I have a small personal problem, and i have to find out what other blacksmiths view on this is. So i work in a blacksmithshop, i am nearly finished my apprenticeship,that have lasted 3 years. So here is my problem: when i make items, like shoehorns, candleholders etc. My boss/mentor means that his name on stamps should be on the items, even if the design is mine, or i have been part of the designs. Now this is just a small shop, just two blacksmith and a office man. It's just irritating, so i wonder if im irritaded for nothing.

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