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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Bluedruid

  1. Just thought I'd post about my anvil quick. I bought an Anvil about 10 years ago cause the price was right and I knew I needed one at one point or another. I picked it up for $2 or $3 and knew it was a good deal ( at the same auction a friend of mine picked up a 4 ton bridgeport mill for $5. I think everyone was afraid to move big stuff at that auction(the bridge port ended up being mine after a year or two)). I did use it once in a while to straighten some items out. Now fast forward to this summer and my son really got interested in forging and I always had an interest too just never got around to it. So we pulled some odds and ends out to start making a smithy. I finally really got around to looking at my anvil it is a small one but not as small as I thought I always thought it was 30 to 35 lbs but just weighed it and its 47 lbs. I did find some markings and found out its a Peter Wright. Its not in the best shape but not horrible either. I will post some pics when I get around to it.
    So all in all not a bad purchase for the price I payed.

  2. I am always getting free metal and items. One time when I used to work maintenance at a big structural steel place they had us removing copper from some old welders they had laying around. Into the second day of us pulling these welders apart an old timer at the place came up to me and said " you know almost all them welders worked when we put them up there". I thought to myself Hmmmm, so I went to the plant foreman and said," You know its costing you more than the materials we are getting out of these to have us pull them apart, How about you let me take a couple home." He thought about it for a second or two and told me to take what ever I wanted home. So I had a big Lincoln 750 amp AC stick machine, A Linde spool gun, and a old bumblebee welder follow me home. I used the Lincoln welder for a while til I had to move and sold it for $500. Never did get around to using the spool gun and parted out the bumblebee cause I couldn't use it.

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