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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Bta

  1. Thank you John,

    now I know wich one is the set, and "rivet header" could then be a synonym for snap...
    I know the Tool ID section it´s a great ressource! (and that´s how I discovered this forum)
    but as I am trying to grasp the meaning of many Blacksmithing terms I´m getting confused because of being confronted with a lot of synonyms and maybe wrong used terms.

    on the Blacksmith´s depot they say about the monkey tool:
    "Sharpen and upset the shoulder on your tenons and rivets.
    Name comes from the original "Monkay." Nothing to do with those animals that eat bananas and hang from trees." ...

    by the way, there is no such thing as a monkey tool in german (only rivet sets; and tenons are made with swages and upsetted in swageblocks as far as I am informed)


  2. Hi there,

    I´m actually studying the termimology of Blacksmithing and I´m wondering:
    what is the difference between a rivet set ( i mean a kind of punch with a hole [to tighten the joint])and a monkey tool?

    I´m even not so sure about the term rivet set, because its often used as synonym to rivet header, set punch, rivet set punch...or both are coming together in one tool (like the one here: link removed by request of that sites owner.)
    and are there other names for the monkey tool?


  3. hi Thomas,

    Thank you for your response.
    interesting approach, you seem to forge with Power hammers :-)
    I ´m currently thinking that one could classify them in top, bottom, striking and holding tools; but how can the forges be included?
    maybe as part of a higher category called Blacksmithing equipment ( including forges and tools)?

    I also have to dig deeper in the subcategories of top and bottom tools to elaborate a so called concept system by putting all the Blacksmithing related words in a kind of mind map.

    I like your idea of the pushing/cutting category, but it seems to me that it would be digging in another direction, and it would be difficult to draw a clear separation line.

  4. Hi all

    I´m a hobby knifemaker and knife entousiast from saarland, germany.

    I found the forum via the Introduction to blacksmiths tools -> what a great post!

    Currently I´m writing my diploma thesis on the subject of blacksmithing terminology, comparing german and english.

    My subject centers around the Blacksmithing tools (excluding machines) since the hole terminology of forging would rather be a subject for a doctor thesis.

    I still have some work left and some questions for Blacksmithing experts:

    Is there a difference between the terms forging and smithing? most of the time they are used as synonyms, but i need to know if there is even a small difference.

    if you had to classify blacksmithing tools (means forming groups and sub-groups) how would you arrange them? (anvils, hammers, swages, fullers, drifts, punches, anvil tools, tongs, top tools.. etc...)

    The aim is to make a kind of mind map to show how the tools are related.

    How would categorize a forge (coal or gas)? would it be a blacksmith´s tool or a (heating) device, an appliance, equipement... ?

    If anyone could help me I would be glad to share my results with the forum adding stuff to the tools/ID section.

    Best regards,

    Robert (Bta)

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