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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by atexascowboy

  1. You're right on the money Frank.
    For years I did my final fitting with a stall jack. One day a seasoned veteran such as yourself told me that I spent toomuch time bent over, that going to the anvil was a good thing. This is a trade off, and a good one, combining the speed features of the lightweight stall jack with the bulk/mass of the less portable anvil.
    I want to extend a hearty TEXAS THANKS to ALL who backed me on this issue. Those being true blacksmiths not afraid to think outside the box or as Barry puts it " I didn't know there was a box.".
    If any of y'all ever needs a favor from these parts, just holler.

  2. Thank you Fat Fud, Vaughn and Albert. Apparently our resident armchair farrier can't get into the spirit of improvising /altering tools to suit ones needs. This great country WAS built and IS still being built by people, such as on this forum, who were not afraid to set sail into uncharted waters.
    My apologies go out to Glenn as I had no intention of turning your excellent forum into a catfight.
    You have my blessing to close or delete this thread.

  3. Many thanks PPTP.

    George- It's falls under the evolution of a tool. Where would we be if everyone still believed that the world is flat and man can't fly. I guess still beating on a rock for an anvil over in our ancestral home, BUT, we would be content not knowing what other possibilities are out there. Guess that's where the old saying came from. "IGNORANCE IS BLISS! ".

  4. The world is not flat!
    It took a LOT of thought before I could turn my beautiful Kohlswa into a farrier's swage anvil. Should I risk turning it into a useless pile of scrap or use it as is. As a blacksmith/farrier ,I had the guts to make that first cut, later when that cut didn't break, another. Kohlswa brags on the quality of their products and this anvil is proof. HAD it been a cheap/poor quality anvil, as is most common nowadays, it too would have a thread about the broken heel on our website.
    As it is, this anvil has given me many years of productive service as a portable farrier's swage/anvil!
    As my dear ol' momma used to say " If they ain't talking about you, you ain't doin' nothing".
    Jeff Turner "atexascowboy

    I have owned and still do, several great quality anvils . HB 500 lb. , Kohlswa 275 lb.- B36, PW 430 lb. , but NONE has given me the versatility or production as this little anvil. After 15 years of beating hot and cold steel from mini shoes to #8 draft it is still in beautiful condition! Someday ALL farrier anvils will be like this.
    This topic is in reference to my controversial listing on fleabay.

  5. Our ancestors, even one generation back didn't have access to the knowledge /tools/stores/money that our generation has access to.
    I myself, as well as many of you, built our own coaster carts out of 2 x4 's and lawnmower wheels. We improvised! Today we give the kiddos a hundred or two and tell them to go buy a coaster/ new truck, whatever. We, as parents, are stifling their mechanical creativity as well as their desire to go out and hustle some lawns to buy that bike, etc. And we wonder why America is falling behind on developing things other than video games. At one time, Germany and Great Britain were THE powerhouses financially due to their mechanical and work ethics. If we continue to farm out our products for other countries to build we are headed for tough times. All stemming from taking the easy way out and giving our easy money to our future leaders instead of letting them earn their money/figure out how to problem solve by making do with a board or two and some elbow grease.

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